View Full Version : SFS collects RD$2.1 billion

10-03-2007, 01:50 PM
The Social Security treasury has collected over RD$2.1 billion in fees for the Family Health Insurance (SFS) program during its first month of operations. Patients who have had to pay for medical consultations have provided RD$400 million in coverage. The situation affects a great number of employees, their dependents and employers who do not appear on the HMO registration lists. This has pushed business leaders to look for alternative solutions to their employees' health issues. Social Security office treasurer Henry Sadhala said that collections for the three programs (retirement, work injuries and family health) have been "adequate".
Maribel Gasso, president of the Management Confederation, and Marisol Vicens, spokeswoman for management at the National Social Security Council, said that they felt that the authorities should refund money that workers had to pay for health services, but which had been paid into the SFS funds. Vicens said that a study was being prepared to look into the SFS program, and asked for a solution to a problem that was not created by management or the employees.

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