View Full Version : JCE okays Candelier

10-04-2007, 02:30 PM
The Central Electoral Board (JCE) yesterday authorized the Partido Accion Popular (PAP) to run in the May 2008 presidential election. The party has nominated retired Major General Pedro de Jesus Candelier for President. Candelier made a reputation for himself as a strongman when appointed to the Forestry Department during a former President Balaguer administration. He is also a former deputy director of the Metropolitan Transport Authority and has been chief of the National Police. Father Rogelio, a leading Catholic Church priest, has accused Candelier of illicit wealth and the death of more than 600 when he was chief of the Police. Candelier presents himself as an alternate to traditional political parties.
The JCE also recognized the Alternative Democratic Movement (MODA) and designated 36 new electoral boards.
Recognition by the JCE will allow for the parties to receive funding from the electoral organization.
The second part of the recognition process will determine if the two new parties' colors, symbols and slogans are similar to any of the other existing parties slogans.
Candelier explained that he was waiting for recognition so he could officially present his credentials for the 2008 presidential elections.

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