View Full Version : Questions for Sun Land

10-08-2007, 05:10 PM
Diario Libre editor Adriano Miguel Tejada asks some pertinent questions about the controversial Sun Land IOUs in today's A.M. column. Tejada says that the nation has a lot of questions about the Sun Land deal and the only answers that have been provided are political, of the "he said, she said" variety. Tejada then puts the newspaper on record as asking for specific answers to several questions. His stance reflects similar comments by Listin Diario's Orlando Gil. The questions can be answered by government officials, the engineers who received contracts, or anyone with accurate knowledge of the issues. (1) Tejada says that we know that IOUs were issued and that they were sold on the international market. What is the interest rate on the IOUs? How many were given to each contractor for each project? What was the discount rate on the IOUs? Who distributes the funds, Sun Land or the State Engineering Office? (2) Sun Land was the middleman that obtained the funds for the projects. Who are its principal executives? What role does Daniel Mejia play in all this? Who is Daniel Mejia? Does Sun Land hold the resources that paid on work done or is it the State Inspection Office (OISOE)? Where are or where were the funds deposited during the construction phase and who benefited from these deposits? (3) If the funds received by Sun Land were obtained due to the government's guarantee, should these hard currency funds be listed at the Central Bank? Considering that the official listing of the Sun Land's commercial status appeared just a few weeks ago, even though it had been doing business beforehand, how did this business operate? Did it pay taxes? What did the Dominican government require in order to do business with this entity? (4) And lastly, why not publish the Sun Land contract, whether with the contractors or with the Dominican State, or both? The editor-lawyer-writer concludes by saying that there are a lot more questions, but these are enough for the moment. Who is going to answer?

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