View Full Version : Leasing out the dunes?

10-09-2007, 01:30 PM
Peravia province authorities are protesting the intentions of Bani city officers to lease more than 55,000 meters of land of the Bani dunes to a mixed Dominican and foreign capital company for a hotel development, as reported in the Listin Diario.
Senator Wilton Guerrero said that the authorities should preserve the national patrimony and he asked that the Ministry of Environment request the documentation the Bani Municipality has on the deal. He urged that efforts be made to stop the deal.
"The authorities of the municipality should come forth and promptly explain to Bani what's the deal that compromises this important natural resource," said Guerrero. Reportedly, mayor Chacho Landestoy is behind the negotiation. As reported in the Listin Diario, on 13 August 2007, the Bani city council approved a request for the lease to Miramar International of a lot within the dunes located in Salinas de Puerto Hermoso for a 10 year period. The city hall authorization, nevertheless does not establish the extension of the property, nor identifies the representatives of the company making the lease, nor establishes the worth of the property, nor the use that will be given to it. The dunes are a National Cultural Monument where construction is banned.
Disputing the lease also are Alianza Banileja, Sociedad Ecologica Banileja, Club de Leones, Fundacion Educativa Cultural y Ambientalista, among others that are requesting that the local district attorney office and the Ministry of Environment investigate this abuse.

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