View Full Version : Haitian embassy indifference

10-10-2007, 02:00 PM
The death of a Haitian outside the Haitian Embassy in Santo Domingo has caused indignation among Haitians present that day. As reported in the Listin Diario, Amelin Gufini died around 7am at the bus stop when accompanied by his wife Lorauta Fleuri. They were on their way to return to Haiti because of his health problems. Haitian bystanders at the site urged embassy officers to assist the family, but were removed by Haitian security staff. One Haitian, Miguel Castillo, complained that "the greatest discrimination and mistreatment that Haitians receive in the DR is from the authorities of our own country." He complained, "it is shameful the treatment we receive from our own authorities, and it is not about money, but the way we are treated," he stated. Embassy staff refused to comment on the incident. Haitians gathered money amongst themselves to give to the grieving widow.

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