View Full Version : Fernandez's appointments criticized

10-12-2007, 03:21 PM
Wednesday's presidential appointments were received with the usual criticism. Members of the opposition claim that the naming of musicians, transport businessmen and opposition party activists violates the Constitution and the Law of Austerity. Opposition party deputies Cristian Paredes, Carlos Martinez and Ramon Rogelio Genao accused the government of using the government payroll to buy votes. The deputies feel that Fernandez disrespects the public when he names transporters that up until recently were voicing their opposition to the current government. The deputies also claim that every 15 days the PLD members in government not only raise their own salaries but create unnecessary posts to give affiliates jobs where they can just collect a check without working. In the DR this is known as a "botella" (bottle). The deputies made the point that the funds could have been put to better use.

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