View Full Version : Forgiveness should be mutual

10-12-2007, 03:21 PM
Historian Bernardo Vega said yesterday that forgiveness is a mutual thing and that both Dominicans and Haitians should ask for forgiveness from each other. Vega explained that Haitians should apologize for the 19th century massacres ordered by Jean Jacques Dessalines in Moca and Santiago and that Dominicans should apologize for the 1937 massacre ordered by the dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo. Vega said that both sides should look at the example set by Willy Brandt, who when German prime minister, apologized on behalf of the German people for the genocide of the Jews. The historian and writer said he hoped this would happen while he is alive. Last week, during the 70th anniversary of the 1937 massacre Bishop Diomedes Espinal of Mao-Montecristi, on behalf of the Catholic church and the Dominican people, apologized for the massacre.

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