View Full Version : Cement can be imported

10-15-2007, 04:50 PM
The Dominican Republic Industrial Association (AIRD) has told reporters that there is no ban on the import of cement into the Dominican Republic. There is a tariff in place, according to the note in Listin Diario, but this has been reduced over the past years. According to the AIRD, if a trader thinks that there is business to be done with cement, it can be imported, as long as the duties are paid, for to do otherwise would constitute unfair competition. In another article, the Hardware Association (ASODEFE) announced that they were of the opinion that the higher prices being charged for locally manufactured cement was just price gouging, and showed how prices have gone from RD$80 a bag in 2005 up to RD$220 this year. Inside the DR cement costs US$195 dollars a ton, but overseas, there are quotes of US$65 to US$95 per ton. The hardware sector representatives told Listin Diario that if cement was imported, it could lead to a 40% drop in prices. Importers are concerned producers would dump prices once they have imported the cement, to discourage the importing.

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