View Full Version : Against PEME decision

10-22-2007, 05:00 PM
The decision taken by the District Attorney for the National District, Jose Hernandez, not to pursue the case against the principal official in the Program for Minimal Employment (PEME), created during the first Fernandez administration (1996-2000), was strongly criticized by the head of the Office for Prevention of Corruption (DPCA), Otoniel Bonilla, and the head of the Broad Front for Popular Struggle (FALPO), Fidel Santana. Santana said that the decision not to continue the case was proof that impunity for public officials is part of the Fernandez administration. The PEME case concerned over a billion pesos in funds that was intended for use in employing gang members in order to reduce crime in many of the more populous barrios of Santo Domingo. Serious administrative errors were alleged in the process of the disbursement of the funds. Orlando Jorge Mera, the general secretary of the PRD, told Listin Diario reporter Elias Ruiz Matuk that the decision to drop the case was "proof of the government's lack of willpower" in fighting corruption. In his statement, Bonilla said that "what starts poorly, ends poorly," and he added that the case started with many difficulties and turned into a pamphleteering war rather than a corruption case.

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