View Full Version : The dunes controversy continues

10-22-2007, 05:00 PM
Researchers from the Ministry of the Environment have been able to ascertain that the lands leased by to the Ciramar group the municipality of Bani are, indeed, part of the land covered under the Protected Areas law, as reported in the Listin Diario. The purchase contract was authorized by a presidential decree.
The technicians were accompanied by members of the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Commission. Commission president Ruben Dario Cruz headed the junket. The lands in question, some 56,000 square meters, were to be rented to Ciramar supposedly for use as a ship repair depot, but some local people claimed that the idea was to convert the region into a shipyard for dismantling old vessels. As a result of the visit by the Senate commission and the map work by the technicians, the local mayor, Camilo Landestoy announced that the Ciramar contract would be rescinded forthwith.
Nevertheless, Ciramar publishes an advertisement today denying the Ministry of Environment determined the lands were Protected Areas.
In 2005, Listin Diario reported that fraud against the Dominican state had been detected by the General Accounting Department in a contract for the repair and operation of the same naval shipyard. The Accounting Department found that there had been criminal responsibility on the part of representatives of Ciramar S.A., Ciramar International Trading, Co. Ltd. and Anabalca. At the time, it ordered the Armed Forces Ministry to cancel the contract signed by the state and the three companies with immediate effect.

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