View Full Version : JCE announces measures for 2008

10-24-2007, 05:50 PM
The Central Electoral Board (JCE) has announced that it will use transparent ballot boxes and introduce Braille voting slips for blind voters. The ballots for use by visually impaired voters will be transported in special security cases. In another innovation, the JCE announced that it would set up a computer center for polling centers with more than five voting stations. These steps still need to be approved by the political parties involved in the May 2008 elections. The JCE also announced that it had recruited and selected 350 instructors to train 100,000 volunteers, mostly university students, who will staff the polling centers during the elections. Finally, the JCE announced that it has set up overseas Coordinating Offices in areas with sizable Dominican populations. The report in Hoy newspaper mentions New York, New Jersey, Miami, Philadelphia, Washington, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Montreal, Venezuela, Panama, Madrid, Barcelona, Zurich, Holland, Milan and St. Maarten. An estimated 125,000 Dominicans who live overseas are expected to vote in the upcoming presidential elections.

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