View Full Version : UN observers visit

10-24-2007, 05:50 PM
The two United Nations observers currently looking at racism and minority rights in the Dominican Republic visited the Ministry of Foreign Relations yesterday and met with Alejandra Liriano, the deputy minister for Foreign Relations. Liriano assured reporters that the observers were here at the Ministry's request. She explained that as part of their job, the observers were trying to learn as much as possible about whether or not racism and discrimination existed in the Dominican Republic. Special observer Doudou Diene and minority affairs observer Gay McDougall interviewed several people at the ministry, before going on to meet with PRSC president Federico Antun Batlle. Antun Batlle told the observers that the DR did not mistreat or discriminate against foreigners. He said that foreigners who live in the Dominican Republic work in the same way as any Dominican of equal status. As an example, Antun Batlle pointed out that a large portion of the budget at Santiago's Cabral y Baez Hospital is spent on eight or more Haitians who come to the hospital to give birth each day. He also pointed out that all public schools are open to any child, regardless of nationality, up to the fourth grade.

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