View Full Version : Fernandez leads in CIES poll

10-25-2007, 02:30 PM
CIES International, a polling service based in New Jersey, publishes the findings of its most recent poll of 1,223 Dominican voters, held on 3-6 October 2007. Andy Abreu of CIES reports that the figures reveal an improved positioning for PRSC candidate Amable Aristy. He is basing his campaign on giving away $100 peso bills, chickens, mosquito nets, notebooks, even wheelchairs, attracting mobs of people who seek the handouts, generating lots of press in the process. Meanwhile the PRD candidate Miguel Vargas Maldonado's support has remained relatively stable.
Abreu said the trend is for the gaps between the candidates to narrow as the 16 May election date approaches.
Voter breakdown of replies the question of if the election were held today, who would you vote for: Leonel Fernandez 37.6%, Vargas Maldonado 25.2%, Amable Aristy 22%, Pedro Candelier 3.8%, Eduardo Estrella 2.7%, no one 7.5%.
The same poll asked if there were a second round, who would you vote for and the responses were: Leonel Fernandez 53.9%, Vargas Maldonado 35.5%, undecided 10.7%.
Voters described the Fernandez government as:
Excellent 19.5%, More or less 32.2%, More or less bad 25.6%, Very bad 17.4%.
Voters said that the most crucial problem that needed to be resolved now was: security 25.4%, electricity 14.2%, high cost of living 11.9%, jobs 11.4%, education 11.1%, health 10.5%, corruption 6.5%, transport 3.4%.
When asked whether they would vote in the next elections, 80.5% said they would vote, and 19.5% said they were considering it.
CIES International has accurately forecast the results of Dominican primaries as well as the election of Acevedo Vila in Puerto Rico in 2004.
For comments write to andy@ciesintl.com

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