View Full Version : A.M. on the new economy

10-29-2007, 04:20 PM
Voltaire was noted for his satire and irony in his condemnation of the French monarchy. Diario Libre assistant editor Ines Aizpun wields an equally sharp pen as she examines recent declarations by President Fernandez and his ministers about the Sun Land case. Her A.M. column on Saturday, 27 October writes about the re-engineering of the language of government by the Fernandez administration. According to what has been explained to us in an educated manner, from now on a promissory note, or an IOU is a document that does not imply - even remotely - that the signer is obliged to pay, she writes. "The explanation is obvious: there is no debt. In the new economy these IOUs are signed as if one were signing autographs". The award-winning editor continues: "Likewise the possibilities of getting credit multiply infinitely. You can imagine that you can apply this - someone is probably doing this exercise in financial re-engineering right now - to your personal finance. The fact that it is no longer necessary to leave written proof - not even remotely - of supervision or control of the debt undertaken, is fundamental to the spiritual tranquility of the beneficiary and the good progress of his projects". Aizpun goes on to say "likewise, it is an admirable advantage to be able to ask for money for ten projects, without any plans or details and once the money is received, you can build just five. That saves lots of red tape, studies and explanations.
"Now you, an individual, can ask for a credit for some industrial project, leave it half done, and that's it. Nothing could be easier.
"And if once bungle is uncovered, you have the possibility of adding some explanation to shut up everyone who isn't satisfied, all the better. In the new economy we can call a debt taken on into dollars by some other name, so that it not be necessary to send it to Congress, nor submit it to supervision, nor give such foolish details as the interest rate at which it was contracted," she explains.
"We must recognize that this facilitates the whole process a great deal. And now the interested party, who wants to collect his debt before August just in case the elections complicate matters, doesn't want to say anything. As if we'd think something was awry...."
Aizpun is referring to the hundreds of dollars the government has secured through loan mechanisms with Sun Land. The PRD recently accused the Fernandez administration of securing US$130 million when President Fernandez authorized promissory notes for the amount. Later, it was revealed that the government had signed another contract for US$200 million, but it was annulled a year later.

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