View Full Version : Noel causes general blackout

10-30-2007, 12:50 PM
Tropical Storm Noel was responsible for two more national blackouts yesterday, the third in as many days. In the early hours of Sunday morning the entire country was plunged into a two-hour blackout. Diario Libre reports that a general blackout was registered yesterday at 12:56am and that a second was registered at 1:45pm. Hoy reports that during the blackouts, 240 of the country's total 540 circuits were out of service, for a total of 40% of the grid. The national blackouts delayed some of the rescue and recovery efforts. Radhames Segura, administrator of the State Run Electricity Companies (CDEEE) explained that at 11am yesterday morning the system was still recovering and that it was only producing 670MW with a demand of 1,800MW. Segura explained that it was an energy distribution problem and that the energy infrastructure did not suffer any major damages.
Diario Libre writes that the country's energy sector, along with emergency relief efforts, will continue to work non-stop until the system is back to normal. Despite the fact that some communities have begun to receive power, most of the country's 500 energy circuits are still disconnected. This has been done in order to prevent tragedies due to high voltage shocks and irregular connections.

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