View Full Version : No power in the southwest

11-01-2007, 06:20 PM
The repairs of high-tension lines in the country's southwestern region led to blackouts throughout Wednesday night, according to the State-run Electricity Companies (CDEEE). The repair efforts were concentrated in the Bani area, where high-tension lines were knocked down leaving Bani, Azua, Barahona, San Juan de la Maguana and other communities without power. CDEEE vice president Radhames Segura assured that technicians were working 24 hours a day in order to restore power. The CDEEE experienced a success when they managed to get a 69,000-volt high-tension wire across the river, to repair one that had been knocked down, but yesterday's winds and continued rains made repair efforts difficult. In all the CDEEE has announced that 322 of 453 circuits are back online, meaning that 76.3% of the power grid is back on track. There are still problems, nonetheless. EdeNorte is reporting 117 of 143 circuits online; EdeEste reports 113 of 148 and EdeSur reports 92 of 162.

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