View Full Version : International help arrives

11-02-2007, 03:00 PM
The first relief airplane has arrived in the DR. A Panamanian Red Cross plane landed in the DR yesterday carrying 100,000 pounds of supplies to help the victims of TS Noel. The shipment has a total value of US$150,000 and consists of cooking tools, disposable diapers, powdered milk, meats, medicines, mattresses, mosquito nets and blankets. Caritas Espanola has donated EUR500,000 towards the relief efforts in Santo Domingo, Peravia and Barahona. Japan promised US$112,300 in water purifiers and mattresses, as well as other items. Diario Libre is also reporting that the French embassy launched 7,000 food rations from two small planes in Monte Plata, Santo Domingo and Bayaguana. This was done as a joint effort between Carrefour, the UN and Civil Aviation. Aid from US states Florida, New York, New Jersey, Boston, Chicago and Philadelphia is being coordinated along with aid from Puerto Rico, Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg. Agro Action Germany has allocated US$50,000 towards helping the DR and Haiti.

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