View Full Version : Donations continue

11-06-2007, 04:30 PM
The Administrative Council of the Dominican Petroleum Refinery (REFIDOMSA) said that they would donate RD$10 million to people who have been affected by Noel. Ruben Montas of REFIDOMSA said that the refinery is supporting all the Dominican families affected by the tragedy.
Oxfam International has made its first donation to the victims of Noel. Oxfam is spending EUR450,000 donated by the EU Humanitarian Office (ECHO) and has begun a fundraising campaign through its website, www.intermonoxfam.org (http://www.intermonoxfam.org). Oxfam's aid will be reaching 18,000 people and they have handed out water tanks, water filters, latrines, cooking materials, mattresses and other materials, according to Listin Diario. Oxfam is still assessing the situation in many areas in order to determine whether to increase their areas of intervention.
The United Kingdom government has sent helicopters to the DR to help with the relief efforts, and British Foreign Relations Minister David Miliband has sent his condolences to the Dominican Republic for the tragedy.
The Banco de Reservas has opened three bank accounts, in dollars, euros and pesos in order to receive donations for the emergency response.
The Dominican Embassy in Washington has set up a relief donation hotline. Call 202 332-8280 Ext. 2502. Or see Embassy of the Dominican Republic, in the United States (http://www.domrep.org)
The Elliott Foundation has created a disaster relief fund and seeks to raise US$50,000 to help victims of Tropical Storm Noel flooding. To date, they have raised US$22,500. To contact the foundation, write to Reta Keeler at reta@sunvillageresorts.com

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