View Full Version : Food products still expensive

11-06-2007, 04:30 PM
Onions, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, oranges and lemons are among the food products that have experienced a price hike after Tropical Storm Noel flooded several major food-producing areas last week. Also, reports indicate that demand for bread has increased by 30%. Cassava, plantain and pork prices did show a decrease and fruits like pineapple and grains have remained stable. Cassava, at RD$8 per lb last week is being sold for RD$4 this week. Potatoes are at RD$35 after costing only RD$19 last week. A pound of onions is being sold for between RD$28 and RD$45 while a pound of tomatoes jumped to RD$40 in some cases and lettuce has gone up to between RD$35 and RD$40 each. Sixteen ounces of peppers are now being sold at RD$50.
On the other hand, Jumbo is advertising plantains for RD$4.95 each, which is lower than the normal RD$7 per plantain price. Avocados are on sale for RD$3.95, and pineapples are RD$17.95 each. Green peppers are selling for RD$12.95 a pound, squash is going for RD$3.45 the pound, and passion fruit is half price for RD$22.95. These sales are for today only.
Plaza Lama is advertising pineapples today for RD$11.95 each, carrots for RD$6.95/lb. avocados for RD$3.95 each and oranges for RD$1.95 each, with green bananas at RD$0.95 each.
Bravo is advertising its usual Tuesday fruit and vegetable sale, with 30% off all products.

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