View Full Version : US sends more helicopters

11-06-2007, 04:30 PM
US Embassy Charge d'Affaires and Minister Counselor Roland Bullen says that the US will continue sending humanitarian aid to the victims of Noel. Bullen made this statement after two more US helicopters arrived in the DR to continue with relief efforts. The helicopters are part of the Southern Command program and made their way from Honduras. Eight US helicopters are currently helping with relief efforts in the DR. There will be 21 people responsible for flying the planes and maintaining them.
As reported in Listin Diario, USAID is also channeling US$600,000 in aid. USAID also announced the distribution of 6,000 sheets, 6,000 water bottles and 6,000 personal hygiene kits in affected areas. The Embassy also reports that their MAAG military assistance group is also contributing US$360,000, for a total of US$1 million in assistance.

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