View Full Version : Red Cross Noel stats

11-07-2007, 01:00 PM
The Dominican Red Cross has released some statistics on the victims of Tropical Storm Noel. According to the organization, its volunteers helped 36,238 people in 226 shelters around the country. Gustavo Lara, the head of the Dominican chapter, told Hoy reporters that this figure breaks down to 10,623 men, 10,134 women and 4,417 boys under five years old, and 7,182 girls under five according Red Cross Crisis Center figures. In the north of the DR 105 shelters are operating, in the south there are 64 and in the National District 56 shelters are open. Most of the refugees are in the north and south where there are a little over 15,000 in each area. In the National District there are 5,600 refugees and in the only shelter in the east there are 52.

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