View Full Version : Dams suffers a billion in damages

11-07-2007, 01:00 PM
The director of the National Hydraulic Resources Institute (INDRHI), Hector Rodriguez Pimentel, told reporters that his entity had suffered close to a billion pesos in damage to its canals, dams, dikes and drainage systems. Most of the damage occurred in the south, affecting the Nizao-Najayo and Marcos A Cabral canals and tens of thousands of acres in Peravia and Azua provinces. The dam at Las Barias suffered damage to its floodgates, and, as a result, the towns of Palenque and Paya were without water. Dikes along the Yuna River were damaged, affecting the Aglipo II Agrarian Reform Project. According to Rodriguez Pimentel, nine of the ten irrigation districts serviced by INDRHI were seriously damaged by the flooding.

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