View Full Version : Parties on premature campaigning

11-09-2007, 02:20 PM
The DR's main political parties are rejecting the Central Electoral Board (JCE) request that political parties suspend all presidential campaigning in the media on the grounds that the 2008 presidential election campaign has not officially started.
The JCE judges voted to instruct the PLD to remove the television spot featuring an actor who was also on the Armed Forces payroll. The spot, which has been running for several weeks, was contested on the grounds that the Constitution bans members of the military from taking part in political campaigning.
When they reviewed the spot, the JCE judges voted 7-2 in favor of a move requesting the suspension of all presidential campaign propaganda. Judges Olivares and Mariano Rodriguez, who voted against the measure, explained that they voted against the suspension because the agenda only included the PLD spot and not any other form of political campaigning. The PRSC voiced one of the stronger objections to the JCE's decision, saying it was unacceptable for the JCE to suspend the spot. The PRD has come out and questioned the JCE's credibility and a spokesperson for Eduardo Estrella says that the JCE hasn't handled the situation well because the JCE should have suspended political campaigning a long time ago. The JCE, in its ruling, reminded the political parties that the official campaign period has not yet started, so all presidential campaign advertising should cease.

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