View Full Version : Pro DR-CAFTA program

11-09-2007, 02:20 PM
Last night USAID director Richard Goughnour announced the launch of a Pro DR-CAFTA US$5 million implementation assistance program for September 2007-September 2010. Chemonics International will be the consulting firm in charge of the project, which will be directed by John Nittler and Ruben Nunez. The program comes on the heels of the successful conclusion of the Competitiveness and Policies program that very effectively introduced the cluster concept to the Dominican Republic. The focus of the program is to develop economic policies and foreign trade capacities, and to enhance private sector competitiveness. Participating partners are USAID, the Dominican government, the Ministry of Industry & Commerce (and DICOEX), business organizations, and private sector and civil society organizations.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#11)