View Full Version : Parties keep TV spots on air

11-12-2007, 04:00 PM
Despite the Electoral Board's resolution, the country's political parties have gone ahead with their television and radio spots, as well as their print media propaganda. Amable Aristy Castro's ads were still being aired on television, as were the ads promoting Miguel Vargas Maldonado's presidential bid. Spots by the ruling PLD party, including the controversial ad that featured an active military officer, were also much in evidence. Speaking to reporters from Diario Libre, both the JCE chief magistrate Julio Cesar Castanos Guzman as well as the head of the Contentious Chamber admitted that they did not have any way of forcing the parties to stop running their ads. Castanos Guzman said that the board could not even impose fines on the parties, even though the JCE controls hundreds of millions of pesos in election funding. All the electoral board can do is point out that they are in violation of a resolution and operating illegally.

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