View Full Version : Luxury SUVs popular

11-14-2007, 01:00 PM
The number of luxury gas guzzling SUVs on the road is increasing, at a time when the price of fuel is also steadily climbing. Listin Diario points out today that while in year 2000 there were 57,414 "yipetas" (luxury SUVs - from jeep), last year the DGII had records of 144,351 units, for a 151% increase over the six-year period. The total number of automobiles increased by 29.5%, going from 444.154 to 575,386. The figures show a marked preference for purchasing luxury SUVs. In the DR, these vehicles come in handy because of the poor state of many city streets and rural roads, as well as at times of flooding during heavy rainstorms. Another reason for the increase is the change of government. Government departments offer very attractive financing facilities for officials to purchase these vehicles for their use. During the six-year period, two governments have been in office.

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