View Full Version : Schools get cleared out

11-15-2007, 05:50 PM
Schools in Santo Domingo and the National District, which had been used as shelters during the last 18 days, were cleared out by the authorities yesterday. 200 families were each given RD$15,000 towards renting a home for three months, while the government works out a long-term solution. Deputy Education Minister Mery Valeria handed out the money on behalf of the ministry. Valeria explained that students will not return to school right away since the centers needed to be cleaned, fumigated and repaired to prevent putting the children at risk. One of the evacuees, Ramon de Leon Tavera, explained that he had returned to where his house in the Juan Guzman barrio used to stand, because the money the government had given him wasn't even enough to buy a bed. Nevertheless, Mauricio Encarnacion, who was affected by the storm but didn't stay at the shelter, said that many of the people in the shelters had not been affected at all. He said they were just there to receive government benefits.

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