View Full Version : Legislators take too many days off

11-19-2007, 03:50 PM
Last week Hoy newspaper reported that too many legislators are receiving their wages and benefits and not bothering to attend the sessions. Hoy says that of 178 deputies, only 17 took part in the seven sessions the Chamber of Deputies held in October, including one lecture delivered by US effectiveness expert Stephen Covey. The newspaper points out that Neney Cabrera (PRD), Radhames Antonio Fermin (PRSC), Pablo Vicente Jimenez (PLD) and Luis Rafael Sanchez (PRD), did not attend any of the sessions. Signing for attending one session were Jose Ulises Rodriguez, Alberto Attallah, Juan M. Castro and Leivin Guerrero, of the PRD, and Ramon Rogelio Genao of the PRSC.
In October, former baseball player Raul Mondesi only attended Stephen Covey's lecture.
Signing in for two sessions were the PRD's Pedro Alejandro Aguirre, Luis Ernesto Camilo, Wagner Mosquea and Henry Serraf, and the PLD's Gustavo Sanchez, Elias Serulle, Tulio Jimenez and Isabel Bonilla.
Deputies who attended all sessions were the PLD's Jose Ricardo Taveras, Yudelka de la Rosa, Lidio Cadet, Gladys Azcona, and Julio Cesar Valentin, Mirtha Elena Perez, Angela Pozo, Milciades Franjul, Isabel de la Cruz, Elpidio Baez, Juan Alberto Aquino. Also Nestor Julio Cruz Pichardo and Bernardo Sanchez for the PRD.
Hoy reports that the legislators basic wage is RD$116,000. In addition, they receive RD$4,000 per every session attended (a maximum of 10 a month), and RD$87,000 for an assistance plan, plus RD$50,000 for a social plan. This is in addition to two unlimited tax exemptions for vehicles, and diplomatic passports for them and their families.
When interviewed about his attendance record by Nuria Piera and Huchi Lora, Neney Cabrera explained his failure to take part in the legislature with his more important job as campaign manager for Miguel Vargas, the PRD presidential candidate.
Raul Mondesi of the PLD downplayed the importance of his job, saying he was needed by people of his community, but was present for when the party needed him to cast a vote in Congress. When it was pointed out that he could help his community without having to be a legislator, he responded that he would not have the funds to do so.
Nuria and Huchi also interviewed Rafaela Alburquerque of the PRSC, who excused her absence on the grounds of the recent death of her mother, which had caused her immense personal sadness.

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