View Full Version : DR-EU agreement gives jobs a chance

11-19-2007, 03:50 PM
Professionals, technicians and specialized workers will be able to obtain work permits for jobs in the European Union once the Economic Partnership Agreement goes into effect, according to Foreign Minister Carlos Morales Troncoso. This agreement is currently under discussion in Europe and should go into effect by the middle of next year. The advantages of the agreement are expected to be even greater than those obtained under similar accords with Mexico and Chile. One of the programs is called "the Alternative Migration Program", and requests for specialized workers in different fields will come from Europe. The Dominican Republic currently has a similar agreement in place with Spain, but under the EPA, even musicians would be able to find work in Europe. Morales called the program "innovative." Another group to benefit from the program are banana producers, who would no longer have to purchase a license to place their crops in European markets.

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