View Full Version : Dunes are in protected area

11-22-2007, 01:30 PM
The Ministry of the Environment has determined that the 92,000 square meters of dunes that the Bani municipality sold and rented to Ciramar International are within the protected areas of the Monumento Natural Dunas de Las Calderas. Deputy Environment minister Ernesto Reyna said that the definitive report has been released and that there is no doubt that the dunes are within the protected area. Reyna says that it is now up to the courts and the Bani municipal officials to rescind the dunes sale contracts as soon as possible. On 24 October the Ministry of the Environment announced that the contract between the municipality of Bani and the Ciramar International Co. was null and void because the lands involved were located within the Felix Servio Ducoudray Scientific Reserve. According to Environment Minister Omar Ramirez, "in light of the facts we consider the contract to be null and void because it violated the law". Ramirez went on to declare that, "Nobody can sell state-owned land that is in a protected area." As reported, Ciramar paid RD$10 million to the municipality of Bani that authorized the sale.

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