View Full Version : SISALRIL announces coverage increase

11-22-2007, 01:30 PM
As of 1 January 2008, affiliates to the government's health plan, the SFS, will have increased medical coverage. Fernando Caamano, Health and Work Risks Superintendence (SISALRIL) director, said that the increased coverage would include new procedures and an expansion of the health services network. Hoy writes that a maximum amount of resources available will be used to guarantee the financial stability of the Health Plan Services (PDSS) and that RD$500 million will now be designated for catastrophic disease coverage, up from RD$150 million. Caamano said that the monthly funding for the health program will be RD$900 million Beginning in January dialysis will also be included in the PDSS. Caamano said that employers and affiliates of the SFS will not have to pay one more cent for the increased coverage and that dental care and brain surgery would also be covered.

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