View Full Version : Herring and cod get tax break

11-23-2007, 02:10 PM
The government has decided to remove ITBIS (VAT) on dried herring and cod so that more people can afford to buy these Dominican food staples. The measure came into effect yesterday. Manuel Cabrera, president of the Dominican Warehouse Importers Association (ASODAI), provided the information and added that herring and cod with bones would be sold without the tax. In the last year world herring and cod prices have gone up, and in the DR what used to cost RD$56 per pound is now at RD$95 per pound. Cabrera added that the move seeks to counter the effects of Tropical Storm Noel and said that the move has two elements. First, it seeks to counteract the increase in prices after Noel and will ensure that more people can afford to buy the food, especially people who lost refrigerators and need to purchase foods that don't need to be refrigerated.

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