View Full Version : Labels in Spanish on hold

11-26-2007, 03:50 PM
The National Regulation and Quality Control Office (DIGENOR) has extended the deadline for all products to be labeled in Spanish until 31 January 2008. Representatives of the importers association requested the extension in order to get their suppliers to comply with the new rules, and to get existing stocks off the shelves. The importers told Hoy reporter Soila Paniagua that the Dominican Republic's progress over the past ten years has been accompanied by the importation of products from all over the world, and this reality complicates the changeover procedure. In fact, the importers said that the timeframe to obtain permits from the Public Health Ministry was extended even further, to 28 February. For most importers, the new rules will require that the products be re-labeled in the Dominican Republic, since most suppliers are not equipped to change their production process to label a few hundred cases just for this country.

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