View Full Version : Santo Domingo mayor sued

11-26-2007, 03:50 PM
The mayor and some of his staff are being sued by Impacto Urbano, a foreign capital publicity company. According to lawyers for the company, the mayor and his staff have not heeded five judicial orders in favor of the company. Mayor Roberto Salcedo ordered 619 illuminated signs to be dismantled, and assigned many of the locations to another company. The illuminated signs belonged to Impacto Urbano. According to the lawyers, the Appeals Court ruled in favor of the company with a decision ordering the mayor to abide by the terms of a contract signed in June 2001. The lawyers added that the mayor has also refused to obey the court order that required the municipality to pay RD$10,000 per day for each day that the sentence was not obeyed. The president of Impacto Urbano said that the situation has cost his company RD$100 million in lost earnings, damage to equipment and loss of business standing with customers.

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