View Full Version : Employers re maternity subsidies

11-27-2007, 04:30 PM
The president of the DR employers' confederation (COMPARDOM), Maribel Gasso, says that employers are not obliged to pay workers additional subsidies for maternity leave or sicknesses because that is the responsibility of the Social Security program. Gasso said that the responsibility for maternity leave subsidies belongs to the Health and Labor Risks Superintendence (SISALRIL). According to Gasso, maternity leave subsidies the Dominican Social Security system would take RD$0.43 for workers and SISALRIL would receive RD$43 million.
However, Social Security expert, Dr. Fulgencio Severino said that under the Labor Code, employers must fulfill this responsibility until 2008 when the maternity subsidy for employees comes into effect.
Hoy writes that after the modifications to Social Security Law 87-01, in December 2006, maternity leave subsidies were left in limbo and it was never established who would be responsible for paying for maternity leave during the first year of implementation of the Basic Health Plan.

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