View Full Version : Dominican Cooking wins web award

11-28-2007, 02:40 PM
The Spanish version of the Dominican Cooking website, www.cocinadominicana.com (http://www.cocinadominicana.com), has won the Arroba de Oro award for the best Dominican website in the Art and Culture category. The Arroba de Oro awards are organized by Diario Libre newspaper in the Dominican Republic, and are also awarded in several Latin American countries to promote website development in Spanish. This year's top prize went to the winner in the sports category, baseball site www.aguiluchos.com (http://www.aguiluchos.com) at a ceremony at the UASD Aula Magna last night. Other notable winners included www.surfuturo.com (http://www.surfuturo.com) in the non-profit organizations and best projection of the country categories and www.preescolarpiolin.com (http://www.preescolarpiolin.com) in the education and best design categories.
See: www.arrobadeoro.com (http://www.arrobadeoro.com)

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