View Full Version : Ambiguity affects protected areas

12-03-2007, 02:00 PM
The Minister of the Environment admitted on Friday that he has "great difficulty" implementing the Sectorial Law on Protected Areas due to the fact that some of these areas are not clearly defined. On the maps, some of the coordinates do not even exist. Meanwhile, a researcher from INTEC, Yolanda Leon, told Hoy reporters that the National System of Protected Areas (SINAP) is in danger of disappearing if the areas are not properly defined. Currently, 86 areas are marked on the map of protected spaces in the Dominican Republic. The biologist told Hoy reporter Odalis Mejia that the government is not respecting the protected areas, since it is awarding construction permits for areas that should be dedicated to conservation. Deputy Minister for Protected Areas, Danneris Santana, pointed out that the map of protected areas showed some areas that were not "reasonably defined." He called for an "urgent modification in order to rectify these situations."

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