View Full Version : Diesel issues still pending

12-03-2007, 02:00 PM
The government's decision to subsidize diesel fuel for public transport and cargo vehicles has met with opposition from some quarters. The government's move came in response to record diesel prices that threatened to force increases in bus fares and cargo costs. However, business groups called the measure "discriminatory". The head of the National Gasoline Retailers Association (ANADEGAS) and former CONEP president Elena Viyella de Paliza were in agreement on this issue. Viyella said that the measure was contradictory as well as discriminatory, but she also said that, "the measure could become a "tremendous source of administrative corruption." This opinion was echoed by Manuel Diez, head of the Dominican Industrial Association (AIRD). Other voices included union leader Juan Hubieres, and Freddy Mendez, the head of the Bus Owners Union. Because the government proposes to pay the diesel subsidy directly to the transport unions, these entities feel that they are being discriminated against. Even some of the beneficiaries of the provisions of Decree 677-07 are not completely happy. Union leaders Juan Perez Figuereo and Antonio Marte told Diario Libre reporters that one million gallons of subsidized diesel was only a third of the required amount needed by the transportation system. In fact, according to Marte, his Conatra union uses three million gallons of diesel per month.

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