View Full Version : Government at an impasse with IMF

12-07-2007, 04:20 PM
The government has yet to send the 2008 budget to Congress because it hasn't been able to fulfill the requirements set forth by the International Monetary Fund. Among the IMF's requirements is that the level of primary budget surplus, meaning total expenditures minus interest payments on the public debt, should be 2.0% of the GDP, which in this case would be RD$30 billion. The government however wants this figure to be 1.3% of the GDP. Hacienda Minister Vicente Bengoa said that the public would be informed about all the details of the 2008 budget next week. Hoy reports that the 2008 budget could reach RD$300 billion, about RD$63 billion more than in 2007. As reported, there will be significant increases in funding for education, health and the Central Electoral Board, the latter because 2008 is a presidential election year. In the hope of resolving some remaining issues, government officials will be holding a videoconference with IMF officials based in Washington, D.C.

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