View Full Version : Red Alert just like Noel

12-10-2007, 01:50 PM
The National Metereological Office (Onamet) has issued a Red Alert and local emergency services are preparing for a new weather system that is approaching from the east-northeast. According to Onamet director, Gloria Ceballos, the "area of disturbance" could become a tropical storm and is quite near the island. This system will carry heavy rains for the eastern part of the Dominican Republic. Ceballos held a press conference accompanied by Major General Luis Luna Paulino, head of the Civil Defense corps, and the head of the Emergency Operations Committee (COE) Juan Manuel Mendez. According to El Caribe, the authorities were scurrying about in order to avoid a repetition of the disaster caused by Tropical Storm Noel, and which was attributed to a lack of preparation and early warnings. According to these entities, the National Hurricane Center in Miami, Florida has said, "conditions are favorable for the disturbance to become a tropical storm in the next 24 hours." A press conference is scheduled for 10am this morning. According to Hoy newspaper, residents of the lower Yuna river basin are being urged to take all precautions against flooding.

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