View Full Version : Barahona gets money

12-11-2007, 02:20 PM
President Leonel Fernandez says that the government is spending RD$1.14 billion to help Barahona recover from torrential rains in October and said that a commission is studying the possible relocation of vulnerable communities in Jaquimeyes, Uvilla and El Jobo. The money is being spent on roads, highways, local pathways, bridges, housing aqueduct systems, energy systems, schools and farmland damaged during Tropical Storm Noel. Fernandez was speaking following the Government Cabinet meeting that was held in Barahona yesterday. Fernandez said that a month after Noel hit the provinces of Barahona, Bahoruco and Independencia, life is returning to normal. Fernandez said in Hoy that 420 of the homes affected by Noel have been rebuilt, with a budget of RD$9.2 million, and that beginning in January 460 new homes will be built at a cost of RD$225 million. Other projects in Barahona include the preparation of 17,000 acres of land by the Ministry of Agriculture and the distribution of 5,600 quintals of fertilizers. Also in Barahona, 148 eleven-man brigades are still working on recovery efforts with a budget of RD$28 million so far. Fernandez added that the Banco Agricola has offered RD$74 million in credit for farmers and that to date RD$40.7 million worth of the loans have been approved. The National Hydraulic Institute (INDHRI) is working on water systems with a budget of RD$110 million and Hoy writes that most of the water systems in the region are already working. The Ministry of Education will be spending RD$73 million to rebuild schools.

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