View Full Version : Anadegas challenges diesel subsidy

12-13-2007, 03:30 PM
The National Gasoline Retailers Association (ANADEGAS) has filed charges of unconstitutionality against a decree passed by President Leonel Fernandez that provides a three-month subsidy for freight and passenger transport to selected transporters. ANADEGAS president Juan Ignacio Espaillat and his lawyer Robert Valdez say that Decree 677-07 violate articles 4, 37, 45, 46, 47, 55 and 100 of the Constitution as well as Hydrocarbon Law 112-00 and Law 557-05 on tributary ratification. Espaillat says that the government, through the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the Ministry of Hacienda have covertly granted 83 licenses. The charges argue that the decree will lead to serious problems and create moral and economic damage in the sale of fuels and to fuel sellers. Espaillat, quoted in Diario Libre, said that the decree affects the rights of ANADEGAS members and affects the moral and economic security of the union's members.

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