View Full Version : GDP up 7.5% says ECLAC

12-14-2007, 01:50 PM
The Dominican economy grew by 7.5% in 2007, well below the 10% registered in 2006, but above the 5.6% regional average. The DR's economic growth places the country fifth on the list of countries with the highest rates of economic growth in 2007, according to the Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean (ECLAC). The regional leaders were Panama (9.5%), Argentina (8.6%), Venezuela (8.5%), Peru (8.2%) and Uruguay (7.5%).
The organization forecasts a general overall downturn in growth in Latin America, and expects growth of the DR's Gross Domestic Product to decline to 5.5%, which would be enough to rank the country seventh in growth in the region.
ECLAC attributes the growth to increased taxation, and higher international nickel export prices.
The growth of the Dominican economy is due in part to the 2007 tax reform, as well as an increase in international nickel prices and an increase in revenue obtained from taxes on companies.
www.eclac.cl/cgi-bin/getProd.asp?xml=/prensa/noticias/comunicados/... (http://www.eclac.cl/cgi-bin/getProd.asp?xml=/prensa/noticias/comunicados/9/32019/P32019.xml&xsl=/prensa/tpl-i/p6f.xsl&base=/tpl-i/top-bottom.xsl)

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