View Full Version : Santiago protests cargo monopoly

12-14-2007, 01:50 PM
Santiago business organizations published an advertisement today, calling for national support to put a stop to private groups that use violence, intimidation and threats to continue to control the transport of goods and passengers. The Santiago Chamber of Commerce, Association of Traders and Industries (Acis), Association of Industries of the Northern Region (Airen), Association for the Development of Santiago (Apedi) and the Association of Free Zone Industries of Santiago are calling for firm action to guarantee producers and consumers rights to the free contracting of transport of goods and services.
"The Dominican Republic has joined globalization and the opening up of markets, and as a country we cannot allow the process to end at the ports and airports and for the transportation and distribution of goods to continue being tied to an illegal monopoly," state the associations. The business groups asked for public support. They emphasized that the monopoly affects export competitiveness, increases import costs and makes consumers pay more. They explain that the unfair trade practices that limit the rights of companies and consumers to free contracting and transit violate the Constitution.
Industry & Commerce Minister Melanio Paredes has warned that the authorities would enforce the law and called for the leaders of the Federacion Nacional de Transporte Dominicano (Fenatrado) to attend talks. Paredes said that the wellbeing of all Dominicans should be paramount. "I call on my friends in Fenatrado to moderate their stances, so that we may find solutions together, and not unilaterally because that kind of conduct is unacceptable, and not possible, especially at times like these," said Paredes.

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