View Full Version : No one is happy with budget

12-17-2007, 03:50 PM
With the announcement of budget allocations last week, many government departments have openly expressed their displeasure with their piece of the pie. The Supreme Court, the Central Electoral Board (JCE), the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies all told reporters from El Caribe that the budget funding for their organizations were not what they had expected, and that it wouldn't be enough to cover the needs of the departments. The RD$300- billion budget, the highest in Dominican history, was approved by the National Development Council, but has yet to be sent to the legislature for final approval. Supreme Court chief magistrate Jorge Subero Isa told reporters that he hoped that the legislators would grant the court the funding it really needed. Meanwhile, a JCE spokesperson said that the board had met in emergency session to evaluate the impact that the budget reductions would have on their work during the 2008 fiscal year. The leaders of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies requested a meeting with the government's economic team to take another look at the budget allocations.
The Centro de Investigacion Montalvo, an economic research center, also complains that the government has released its allotment to education and health in regards to the Gross Domestic Product. This has declined from 2.4% in 2007 to 2.33% for 2008, despite a RD$2 billion increase. The Law of Education establishes that 4% of the GDP or 16% of the total budget should be allotted to education.

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