View Full Version : Plan Renove case update

12-18-2007, 04:30 PM
The Court of Appeals of Santo Domingo has confirmed the Plan Renove judgment in the case, which involves alleged embezzlement of RD$1.8 billion from the state. The court nevertheless, released the accused whom had been sentenced from the accusation of fraud against the state. Court of Appeals judges Miriam German Brito, Katia Miguelina Jimenez Martinez and Julio Cesar Cano Alfau rejected a plea to revoke the sentences of prison terms of 6 months to 10 years against Antonio Marte (Conatra), Blas Peralta (Fenatrado), Fabio Ruiz, former president of Plan Renove; Gervasio de la Rosa, Milciades Amaro and Pedro Franco Badia. Also Francisco Antonio Perez, Antonio Reynoso, Freddy William Mendez and Alfredo Pulinario Linares (Cambita). Judge Esther Agelan Casasnova issued the first judgment. Antonio Marte said they would take the case back to the Supreme Court of Justice. Interviewed on the Huchi & Nuria afternoon talk show, he said that he had been unfairly tried and that true justice meant that those responsible for the purchase of the vehicles should be tried. Plan Renove provided millions for transport unions to replace their vehicles. The government took on multi-million foreign debt to favor the transporters.

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