View Full Version : JAD: storm damage at RD$10.5 billion

12-19-2007, 05:00 PM
The Agro-Business Board (JAD) has put a figure of RD$10.5 billion on the damage caused by Tropical Storms Noel and Olga. The figures were revealed during a press conference chaired by JAD president Francisco Dionis Fernandez who was assisted by fellow board members. According to the JAD, TS Noel caused damage to agriculture and related infrastructure amounting to RD$7.0 billion, while TS Olga was responsible for RD$3.5 billion in damage. The estimates include landslides, flooding and wind damage. The experts said that most of the damage was to the rice, banana, plantain and cattle sectors, including the loss of millions of liters of milk. Avocados, tomatoes, Chinese cabbage and greenhouse vegetables along with a long list of other crops suffered. It was estimated that the Dominican Republic lost 50% of the Chinese cabbage crop, 20% of vegetables for local consumption, 15% of its rice crop, 45% of the banana crop, 55% of the plantain crop, 35% of milk production, 40 % of the avocado crop and 50% of the yucca harvest.

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