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View Full Version : Dentist in Sosua

12-25-2007, 04:49 PM
The 2nd week of November i had some dental work done while in Sosua. Had 3 gold crowns done. The quality of the crowns were better than i expected for the price. Last year i had a gold crown done in the Boston area for $1200 and the 3 in Sosua was just south of $1000 total. I am sure the gringo prices were in effect but i also had a good ex-pat reference to help bargain some. He quoted the porcelain crowns at 6700rd. The temps were no problem at all with no pain or interuptions in my activies. Dentist is Dr. Fulvio Rodriguez and his assistant is a cutie named Rosa who speaks good english.

I waited a month and a half to post to see how the new crowns would test drive. I highly recommend Senior Rodriguez. I told him if he does good there may be a few more gringos in his future. I am gonna have him do 2 more at the end of January.

Here is his contact info: Dr. Fulvio Rodriguez
Calle Duarte No.1 Apto.1
El Batey, Sosua
Across from Mellisa Tour
# 809-571-2924

Email: dentalcentersosua@hotmail.com

Located at the red dot on Duarte: Walk into plaza and you will see a bench. Dominican style is to sit and wait. Gringos pay more so i just barge in. Tell him Senior James from Boston recommended him.


12-25-2007, 06:17 PM
A chica I was seeing for a while chipped a tooth during a little horseplay and I took her to this guy.

Actually, I met a fellow Bostonian there at the time and wonder if that's you.

I'm 6'2" 285# and was wearing shorts and an Old Navy Tee shirt. If that was you, hello again.

In any case, the work was done quickly, painlessly, and reasonably.

Thumbs up on this guy.


12-25-2007, 06:46 PM
A chica I was seeing for a while chipped a tooth during a little horseplay and I took her to this guy.

Actually, I met a fellow Bostonian there at the time and wonder if that's you.

In any case, the work was done quickly, painlessly, and reasonably.

Thumbs up on this guy.


No, wasn't me. Only met some of his family hanging near the bench. He has a cousin in a wheelchair that hangs around with a chica there alot. I believe his other relatives have businesses in the plaza also.

Heres a good one about going to a dentist in the DR. After the initial appointment where he does all the prep work and makes the molds and temps i show up at around 4pm 3 days later. Since he does not want to rush he makes me the last appointment of the day. I show up drinking a grande just as the moto is pulling up with the crowns from the lab. He looks at the crowns and does not like the finish, nor do I. He has the guy bring them back to the lab for a better polish. The gold looked silver. I finish my grande and he says it will be 45 minutes. Then he informs me that the bar around the corner has a happy hour for cubra libras at 120RD for 3. Now how many American dentist will tell you to hit happy hour while you wait. I love going to the dentist in the DR.

02-19-2008, 06:37 PM
Follow up on my dental experience. Came back 2 weeks ago and am not happy with the work done this time. But what should one expect for $206. The cost here in the Boston area would have been $1,250. Guess it gives me a reason to buy a ticket and go back and have him fix it. Gonna try DR Wendy for the next round of work.


Bug Boy
02-19-2008, 06:44 PM
What was the problem. I was thinking about getting a porcelain crown on one of my front teeth in May but only if I am confident it would be comparable quality to what I can get here.

02-19-2008, 07:28 PM
For a front tooth i would probably go to Santiago after getting good references from ex-pats that have gotten the same work done. The problem i had is that i should have stuck with the gold alloy. The work i had done are on my back teeth. This last time i got a porcelain crown that is too big and fitted wrong. Gonna have to get it replaced with a smaller gold alloy crown and see if a root canal should have been done.

For the money Dr Rodrigeuz is good for now but i am going to look for a dentist with more experience. Gonna look for a dentist in Santiago my next visit. Want to do Jan thru March next year in the DR and want to take care of every thing and still have time to test drive the work while still in country.

02-19-2008, 07:42 PM
Want to do Jan thru March next year in the DR and want to take care of every thing and still have time to test drive the work while still in country.

Do you have to wait until then to get back buddy??

02-19-2008, 07:51 PM

I haven't seen that girl since a couple of days after she had the work done.

So, I can't speak to the longevity of his work.

If Guttaman is having a problem, maybe what he did for my girl won't hold up either.

Although, what he did for us was pretty simple.

02-20-2008, 09:31 AM
Do you have to wait until then to get back buddy??

No, i got a week in July and a work shut down from dec 15 to mar 30 on the project i will take on. If i take it. Not sure about this work for someone else shit.

As for the dentist. He is a good dentist for fillings and basic cap and crown work. The recent work done was a crown on a tooth that probably needed extra attention. He got married during the time i was there and he had a back log of people waiting for appointments. Will go back and see if he will fix the problem but am also going to seek out a more experienced dentist also.