View Full Version : Respite from fireworks

12-26-2007, 04:50 PM
Residents of the National District, the greater part of Santo Domingo, enjoyed a rare quiet Christmas, without the blasts of fireworks of years past. Nevertheless, in Santiago three children suffered serious burns as a result of mishandling fireworks. Santo Domingo hospitals reported none of the usual fireworks injuries due to a citywide ban enforced by the Police.
The Colonial City and most restaurants in Santo Domingo closed to give priority to family gatherings. Reports are that Santo Domingo East municipality, Los Minas and its bustling Avenida Venezuela, was where the nightspots were buzzing with partying and activity.
Nationwide the Emergency Operations Center (COE) reports 18 deaths and 286 injuries over the 22-25 December Christmas holiday long weekend. Last year there were 15 deaths during this same period.
Juan Manuel Mendez Garcia, director of the COE reported 123 traffic accidents.
As reported in Diario Libre, alcohol poisoning was behind most of these tragedies. There were at least six cases of children hospitalized with alcoholic poisoning on 23, 24 and 25 December at the Francisco Moscoso Puello and Robert Reid Cabral hospitals in Santo Domingo. The children were 6, 7, 8, 13 and 14 years old.

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