View Full Version : First fireworks, now motorbikes

12-27-2007, 05:50 PM
Dr. Hector Maceo Quezada, director of the Dario Contreras Hospital, the country's leading trauma and emergency care center, is asking the government to reinstate limits on alcoholic beverage sales to 2am and only extend the limit to 3am on 31 December. Dr. Quezada, quoted in Hoy, says that the Christmas holiday statistics indicate that motorcyclists and drinking caused most of the accidents. Dr. Quezada, while recognizing the possible unconstitutionality of his proposal, suggests limiting the use of motorcycles until 10pm on 31 December. He stressed that limiting truck circulation, which has been implemented for several years, has been successful in reducing accidents. The government has revoked restrictions on drinking around the clock for the holidays.
Nelson Rodriguez, deputy minister for collective health at the Ministry of Public Health said that a cultural change was needed among Dominicans, where having a good time does not entail all-night drinking. Rodriguez favored maintaining local restrictions on beverage sales during the holidays. "That is the experience in the DR, and I believe that even at Christmas the limitations should be maintained on alcoholic beverage sales," he told Hoy.
The Emergency Operations Center (COE) is reporting 20 deaths over the 22-25 December Christmas long weekend, an increase over 12 deaths last year. Juan Mendez Garcia, director of the COE, said that 148 accidents and 310 injuries were reported during the first part of the holiday season.
Nineteen of the reported deaths were related to drunken driving. From 23-25 December, the Dario Contreras hospital dealt with 504 emergencies. Of these 132 were motorcycle-related. Dr. Quezada said accidents are up 13% this year, compared to last year.

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